Wednesday 22 June 2016

Inspiration today: Dream

Talk about dreams.(Not daydreaming)Everybody have dream,desire of anything they want.Without desire, there have no dream.Of course you need to work hard for it like what you and i doing now. There's a  interesting quote i found in the movie 'Tomorrowland' , a 2015 American science-fiction mystery adventure film directed and co-written by Brad Bird.

Which when the young John Francis Walker show David Nix the Jet Pack. And David Nix ask him:

"what would its purpose be?

How would your jet pack make the world a better place?"
 He replied:

If I was walking down the street, and I saw some kid with a jet pack fly over me, I'd believe anything's possible.

I'd be inspired. Doesn't that make 
the world a better place?"

I really like this part, but to be honest ,although the whole movie is kind of boring.No dream is too big. I believe a lot of us gave up on our FIRST dream, and how many of us 
insist on those dream we had dream for.Some night i was thinking what if i insist on my dream to become a professional footballer(soccer), and what will i be doing now. But of course some of us had found a better dream to pursuit now.

 I read a book "The Power" by 
Rhonda Byrne. In a chapter she said "NO DREAM IS TOO BIG, IF YOU THINK IT'S BIG.IT'S GOING TO BE MORE HARD TO ACHIEVED."(Something like that, don't really remember the correct sentences.)

Here is a picture to help you if you feel that your dream is too big. Draw a big circle on a paper or anywhere like your palm so it can remind you anytime when you needed to? Draw a big circle, then draw a small, really small dot in the center of the BIG circle.The dot is the dream.It will motivate,tell you that your dream is not a mission impossible in a scale of this big crazy world. Lets make it happen!

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